21卒 本選考ES
私の強みは「目標達成のために努力を惜しまない姿勢」を貫き、「実行力」を発揮して大きな成果を出すことだ。これは、マネージャー長として部の体制改革に尽力した経験に起因する。初戦敗退でチームは低迷し、チーム強化には、選手が練習に集中できる環境整備が必要だと考えた。そこで月1回のマネージャー会議を企画し、全マネージャーで練習中の問題点とその解決策を共有し、練習を包括的にサポートする体制を構築した。チームの成果最大化のため、マネージャーとして貢献できることを模索し続け実行したことが、目標であった総合優勝に繋がったと考える。投資銀行業務は少数のチームメンバーで大量の案件を執行するため、各人が業務の全体像を掴み、自身が果たすべき役割を考え実行することが重要だと認識している。そのため、業務のあらゆる段階においてチームとしてのアウトプット最大化に努めることで、顧客企業の価値向上に貢献できると考える。 続きを読む
Please write about your past experience where you demonstrated your perseverance to overcome a challenging situation or achieve a difficult goal (200 words)
When studying in Canada, I led the group work to success by eliminating the conflict that occurred between students from various countries. The main activity in group work was to decide on one product to appeal, discuss how to appeal the product to classmates, put it on a slide, and announce it two weeks later. However, due to differences in background among international students, the group was not well organized and the work did not proceed as expected. For examples, some were late for the group work as usual and returned home immediately after passing core time during the discussion, others insisted on their opinions but were not interested in others’ opinions. Therefore, in order to eliminate differences in opinions and ideas as much as possible, I was proposed to have an opportunity to discuss each other’s problems and improvements, and to create and observe the rules of entire group. In addition, in order to improve the unity of the group, we ate lunch together and deepened our understanding of each other. Through the above efforts, I was able to improve the team’s sense of solidarity and efficiently perform group work. Finally, we were able to give a good presentation. 続きを読む