※ 本ページに表示されるタイトルおよびHTML上のメタ情報には、生成AIが作成した文章が含まれます。
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- 年度
- 2020年度
- 結果
- 最終面接
- 職種
- 営業職
1次面接 通過
- 実施時期
- 2018年11月
- 形式
- 学生1 面接官1
- 面接時間
- 10分
- 面接官の肩書
- 動画面接
- 通知方法
- メール
- 通知期間
- 1週間以上
Can you tell me about yourself and why you are interested in working with us?
I would like to set myself in an environment that can learn and have a positive impact, starting right from the start of my career. I feel that the required skills in speed and judgment are something that the markets have in common with ice hockey—something I have exceled in since a young age. Just as every decision needs to be swift and calculated in sports, the markets also require the same foresight in allowing investors to stay ahead of the game. I believe that the global markets are infinitely stimulating, and the daily fluctuation tests each individual to their own personal limits. In such an environment, I want to work hard and always stay determined, while also being surrounded by excellent peers and management, in order to have the opportunity to learn from good examples. The trading of securities and commodities becomes a game of human power—meaning that analyzing situations and insight, along with teamwork is what brings success. Since having played team sports my whole life, I also enjoy team competition. Teamwork allows each team member to take advantage of each other’s strengths, while also allowing us to cover for our teammates’ weaknesses. While no one may be perfect, creating a perfect team is achievable. I think that the markets are an exciting job, because the daily challenge itself is difficult. Participating in your company seminar, I was drawn to the company philosophy and attitude of the employees.
金融 (その他金融)の他の1次面接詳細を見る
BofA証券の 会社情報
会社名 | BofA証券株式会社 |
フリガナ | ビーオブエーショウケン |
資本金 | 831億4000万円 |
従業員数 | 597人 |
売上高 | 636億5500万円 |
決算月 | 12月 |
代表者 | 笹田珠生 |
本社所在地 | 〒103-0027 東京都中央区日本橋1丁目4番1号日本橋一丁目三井ビルディング |
電話番号 | 03-6225-7000 |
URL | https://business.bofa.com/content/boaml/ja_jp/japan_overview.html |
BofA証券の 選考対策
- インターン
- インターン体験記一覧
- インターンのエントリーシート
- インターンの面接
- 企業研究
- マッチ度(就職難易度・採用大学)
- 選考対策
- 選考体験記一覧
- 本選考のエントリーシート
- 就活速報
- 口コミ・評価
- 口コミ・評価