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華為技術日本株式会社 報酬UP

【18卒】 華為技術日本 総合職の通過ES(エントリーシート) No.16791(東北大学大学院/男性)(2017/9/15公開)


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18卒 本選考ES

18卒 | 東北大学大学院 | 男性


In contemporary society in which the industrial revolution according to IoT and big data is said to be ongoing, I think that the most important industry is communication. Through my experience of your company's Seeds for the Future program, I recognize that Huawei is indispensable to global society for hereafter by touching on your greedy pursuit of technology, brand strategy and hospitality. Moreover, I expect that Huawei will establish a firm position in the telecommunications infrastructure industry based on not only your marketing strategy, but also technological investment, quality control, number of patents, trust from governments and organizations. I would like to be an engineer to have your products more trusted and to be used by many people in Japan. Also, since my hometown is Shanghai, I would like acta as a go-between that connects the head office and the Japanese branch offices and allows them for higher-level communication. 続きを読む


 Over 5 years’ experience of research for several topics at university like JAXA’s contest of µ-G, Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster, minimally invasive atmospheric pressure plasma and spintronics. And one of them was submitted as peer reviewed paper.  I was born in Shanghai and moved to Japan when I was elementary school students. Therefore, I can understand both countries’ cultural background and speak Japanese and Mandarin also Shanghainese. And I am full of curiosity that I can act positively on anything.  I studied in Los Angeles for two weeks and had a homestay when I was high school students. 続きを読む


 Over 5 years’ experience in film making club and served as a director of the club for a year and a half. To promote our club, I held a joint screening with other universities and provided our works to cable television.  3 years’ experience of volunteer supporting middle and high school students learning, and awarded appreciation from Sendai city education board.  3 years’ experience of mentoring high school students with their research and one of my students became the first Japanese to won global competition held in Singapore.  I played tennis during junior high school days and won the tournament in Yamanashi prefecture for doubles. 続きを読む


 TOEIC:845  Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer  Beijing Language and Culture University’s course of the Chinese Language & Culture Experience.  Huawei Seeds for the Future Program  I exercised Java and Android by myself. 続きを読む


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商社・卸 (建築・機械)の他のESを見る

華為技術日本の 会社情報

会社名 華為技術日本株式会社
フリガナ ファーウェイギジュツニホン
資本金 45億6400万円
従業員数 901人
売上高 872億6800万円
決算月 12月
代表者 侯涛
本社所在地 〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1丁目5番1号
電話番号 03-6266-8008
URL https://www.huawei.com/jp/
NOKIZAL ID: 1544688

華為技術日本の 選考対策

  • インターン
  • インターン体験記一覧
  • インターンのエントリーシート
  • インターンの面接
  • 口コミ・評価
  • 口コミ・評価
就活会議 就活会議株式会社は、 有料職業紹介事業者として厚生労働大臣の認可(許可番号 :13-ユ-312872)を受けた会社です。
人材紹介の専門性と倫理の向上を図る 一般社団法人 日本人材紹介事業協会に所属しています。
当社は 東京証券取引所 、 福岡証券取引所 の上場企業であり、ユーザーと事業者のマッチングDX事業を展開している ポート株式会社 のグループ会社です。
運営会社:就活会議株式会社/所在地:東京都新宿区北新宿2-21-1 新宿フロントタワー5F

就活会議を運営する就活会議株式会社は、届出電気通信事業者として総務省の認可(許可番号 :A-02-18293)を受けた会社です。