18卒 インターンES
18卒 | 東京工業大学大学院 | 男性
大学、大学院と陸上競技部に所属。長距離種目を中心に取り組んでいる。 大学4年時は大学院入試と研究をこなしながらも部活動に注力した。時間を確保できないことが多い中、他の部員に協力を募ることで別スケジュールを組んでもらい合同練習を行った。それにより質の高い練習を積み、箱根駅伝予選会では大学時代の中で最も満足のいく結果を出すことができた。 修士では大学が異なることもあり、チームメイトとは1からのスタートとなった。それでも理系大学であるため、練習に参加できる修士の人員を確保することができた。現在は各々が研究で精を出すことを前提として、史上初となる東京工業大学大学院チームとしての箱根駅伝予選会の出場を目標に掲げている。それが実現しつつあるため、学部チームに勝つことも視野に入れて取り組んでいる。 続きを読む
What motivated you to apply for the program?
It is possible for me to engage in work related to the car, and chance to experience an internship in a foreign country. Prior to admission to graduate school, I thought about the work related to chemical engineering. However, I thought it would be narrowed my future choices. Therefore, I searched internships in recruitment. I did not take into account foreign capital companies. However, we learned about the car of the engine mechanism after admission to Tokyo Institute of Technology. I had also wanted an opportunity to be engaged in cars because of studying fluid dynamics. So I thought I tried to apply to the internship. In the future, I’d like to work independent of domestic areas or not. So, I want to participate the internship actively. 続きを読む
What do you want to do/experience, how do you want to develop yourself?
Not to be shy in the field of unprofessional, we want to participate to be able to cooperate as a team. My specialty is chemical engineering, so I don’t know what is the development of the system in detail. However, I think most of the students are true, so I believe that there is no need to be reluctant to reason it. Gradually I want to work on the program with the intention regardless of likes and dislikes by field. Because people who have various nationalities or backgrounds will join, I’m looking forward to communicating with them. It will not be so easy, but that's why I expect to be the opportunity to grow. 続きを読む
How do you see yourself, want to be in the future? What’s the image of your career path?
I’m seeking to engage in a stable supply work for the things that is essential to people. As a graduate school, I entered the energy course which was opened to the people who want to learn various disciplines related to the energy in this fiscal year. In this course, not only the chemical engineering but also I can study the material engineering and the mechanical engineering, the electric engineering needed to engage in the energy industry. So, I felt that I acquired scientific senses because of studying hard as a member of the energy course. I intensively studied the English when I belonged to Tokyo Metropolitan University. And now, I have the opportunity to speak with the foreign students who are enrolled in the laboratory, so I have the motivation that I want to work abroad. However, I know that this is the restricted opportunity only when the company want to send the human who can communicate with foreign people. So I hope to become the member of society. 続きを読む