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ボッシュ株式会社 報酬UP

【18卒】 ボッシュ 技術職の通過ES(エントリーシート) No.18317(大阪大学大学院/男性)(2017/10/18公開)


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18卒 インターンES

18卒 | 大阪大学大学院 | 男性

What motivated you to apply for the program?

The reason why I try to apply for this program is to make myself grow in the foreign country. I like to try the things which I have never experienced. I studied environmental engineering and sustainable energy in my university. To consider the problem of environment or sustainable energy, it is required that we see the target not only at my country but also at all over the world. So I want to know about foreign country. For example, infrastructure, science, culture, and an idea of the person in the country. But I had no experience to work in foreign country, and I had no chance to study abroad because I had not enough money to go abroad. In this program, we need not to pay travel expenses and accommodation. I think this is great chance to me. I want to study operation of engineering, and how to communicate with people all over the world. The experiences that I obtain in this program make me grow. This is the reason why I try to apply for this program. 続きを読む

What do you want to do/experience, how do you want to develop yourself?

I want to experience engineering operation and communication with foreign people. In this program, we conduct a practical operation in Vietnam. So I want to try to obtain engineering technics and communicate with foreign people positively. My strong point is that I can become good friends with anyone at anytime and anywhere. My English skill may not be enough to communicate with native people fluently but I want to cover my gesture and full of expression. I want to cooperate with people in my team and discuss the problem and overcome hardness. This experiences can make me develop greatly. 続きを読む

How do you see yourself, want to be in the future? What’s the image of your career path?

I want to work all over the world as a great engineer. Today, the population of industrially advanced country is decreasing. On the other hand, the population of industrializing country is rapidly increasing. So I think the demand of industrial product is more and more increasing. The engineer should not be in Japan, and should go abroad to produce industrial product. It is the great contribution to developing country. So I want to see development of many countries with my own eyes, and I want to be respected by people all over the world/ 続きを読む


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会社名 ボッシュ株式会社
フリガナ ボッシュ
資本金 170億円
従業員数 5,185人
売上高 4191億900万円
決算月 12月
代表者 クラウス・メーダー
本社所在地 〒224-0003 神奈川県横浜市都筑区中川中央1丁目9番32号
電話番号 03-3400-1551
URL https://corporate.bosch.co.jp/our-company/bosch-corporation/
NOKIZAL ID: 1130491

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就活会議 就活会議株式会社は、 有料職業紹介事業者として厚生労働大臣の認可(許可番号 :13-ユ-312872)を受けた会社です。
人材紹介の専門性と倫理の向上を図る 一般社団法人 日本人材紹介事業協会に所属しています。
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