I am a person who makes effort to achieve my goal, and keep going up stairs. In high school, I was in the youth team of the professional soccer league in Japan, and went to the best public school in my prefecture. We practiced 6 days a week, and sometimes I joined the top team to play with professional players. I also kept studying in the morning or before the training every day. Therefore, when I was in the third grade, we got into the top 16 in the national tournament. In addition, I was in the top 10 with my grade when I graduated. In university, I belong to a soccer team. We do not have a coach, so what we do is not only practice but also building strong organization within students. Besides I went to study abroad in the U.S. because I decided to do what I never did. I spent time with local students so that I learned not only English but also different valuations and perspectives.